Draft outline for the development of an ethereum platform for a Monetary Ecosystem for Equalitarian People Associations.
By Equalitarian Peoples Associations we mean communities with charitable, service, participatory or empowering orientation, activating the local economy. Examples can be social economy associations, parties, social movements, workers unions, solidarity groups, food Sovereignty groups, local exchange communities, time banks, alternative production chains, etc. They may provide services or goods or social or political engagement.
By Equalitarian Peoples Associations we mean communities with charitable, service, participatory or empowering orientation, activating the local economy. Examples can be social economy associations, parties, social movements, workers unions, solidarity groups, food Sovereignty groups, local exchange communities, time banks, alternative production chains, etc. They may provide services or goods or social or political engagement.
- By Equalitarian we mean that these associations are voluntary and all members have the same rights and obligations at their decision making process, the discussion and voting process. It is the democratic civil rights.
- Equalitarian Peoples Associations members may have different rights and obligations towards the organisation activities and organisation benefits, like donations or voluntary work, according to needs and capabilities. Obligations are voluntarily accepted on a case by case basis as an individual voluntary decision linked to a contract or at accepting a mandatory collective decision involving the participation at an activity (i.e. payment of the membership fee), the non acceptance implying loss of membership. It is the public welfare rights.

The theoretical "book" [ES] is Una moneda para cada bien, Sistema
monetario para la economía solidaria, 350 pages, lots of graphics https://drive.google.com/file/ d/ 0B0pex9Mj0wCWOENaS09WSDZVaVk/ edit?usp=sharing
Key Inspirations
Key Inspirations
specifications for the financial instruments for Equalitarian Peoples
- Main Structure of the Equalitarian
Peoples Associations and main functions of the Commons Sovereigns, the
legal tender currency: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/06/commons- sovereigns.html - P2P transactions do not need any explanations. They are usual transfers between Peer accounts in Commons Sovereigns.The sovereign is the legal tender currency of a community organised as an Equalitarian Peoples Association, which could operate as an ethereum DAO, or several DAOs or DACs, one for each Governing Body or Public Service Body. Sovereign is money issued out of the nothing by the members of the Equalitarian Peoples Association, in their monetary sovereignty, for a budgetary period and lend to the Equalitarian Peoples Association using a P2P credit as financial instrument. Alternatively, it may be issued by the People's Bank.
- P2P Credit contract: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/06/p2p-to-b- credit-contract.html - P2B sovereign currency generated as credit:
blogspot.be/2014/07/p2b- sovereign-currency.html -
B2P type of currencies as a promise of goods: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/07/b2p-type- of-currencies-as-promise-of. html - B2P currency mortgages: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/07/b2p- currency-mortgages.html - B2P investments and profits: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/07/b2p- investments-and-profits.html - B2P currency contract versus B2P property mortgage
contract: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/07/b2p- currency-contract-versus-b2p. html - P2P credit, the role of reputation and
solvency: http://desperado-theory.
blogspot.be/2014/07/p2p- credit-role-of-reputation-and. html - Currencies suited for B2B transactions and
global and local market sizes:
blogspot.be/2014/07/b2b- trading-instruments.html
- Modalidades de Dinero Abierto [Open Money types]: http://commonomiainsights.
blogspot.com.es/2014/07/v- behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html - Los principios de los sistemas informaticos para Dinero Abierto [ICT systems principles for Open Money]: http://commonomiainsights.
blogspot.com.es/2014/07/los- principios-de-los-sistemas. html
- Forums: https://forum.ethereum.org
- Github: https://github.com/ethereum
- Main site: https://www.ethereum.org
- Code: https://code.ethereum.org
- Blog: http://blog.ethereum.org
- Wiki: http://wiki.ethereum.org
- Whitepaper:
Concept of DAO (Ethereum - Decentralized
Autonomous Organizations): http://www.slideshare.net/ mids106/ethereum- decentralized-autonomous- organizations
Ethereum ĐΞV PLAN https://www.ethereum.org/pdfs/Ethereum-Dev-Plan-preview.pdf dependencies:
Ethereum ĐΞV PLAN https://www.ethereum.org/pdfs/Ethereum-Dev-Plan-preview.pdf dependencies:
- Mobile Dev
- Whisper protocol, generic peer-to-peer (P2P) messaging protocol
- Swarm file storage and transmission protocol for static web content hosting
- Wallet
- Reputation system
- Identity system
Prototype developments by Andreas Olofsson of the Monetary Ecosystem for Equalitarian People
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UCulC9g1l43PdTThQ_ J1CBAA
Presentation at the ethereum forums :
https://forum.ethereum.org/ discussion/1009/the-people-s- republic-of-doug-ethereum- based-decentralized- organization
Technical development relays:
- Andreas Olofssonin Jämtland (SE)
- Enviro Data at Luleå (SE)
- Knowdle Cosortium Group Madrid (ES) http://www.knowdle.com/.At Knowdle it would be a Social Innovation project.
social non-technical partners :
- Qoin - Agency for community currencies (NL) http://www.qoin.org/
- STRO - Social TRade Organisation (NL) http://www.socialtrade.org/ , the fathers of Cyclos https://demo.cyclos.org/
- Instituto de la Moneda Social (ES) https://www.facebook.com/